参观南达科他州的最佳时间是5月到9月。南达科他州的天气通常是温和的,但每年都有剧烈的变化。春天,从三月到五月,经常可以和冬天区分开来,尽管温度会上升。三月会有大量降雪,想要滑雪的游客通常会在这段时间来。尽管3 - 4月的气温保持在0-7摄氏度之间,但这座城市开始摆脱冬季的寒冷。5月的气温明显变得更加舒适,成为旅游活动的热门月份——平均气温约为13摄氏度。这座城市的大部分游客都是在夏季,6月至8月的平均气温保持在19-23摄氏度左右。7月是一年中接待游客最多的月份。气温伴随着较高的湿度和较低的风速,尽管它仍然是一个愉快的时间来见证该州的自然美景。秋季从9月开始,一直持续到11月。 The autumn colours make for a ideal time to visit the state, especially to escape warmer weather. Temperatures are an average of 17C in September bus fall drastically come October-November when they drop to 1-9C on average. September is a popular month to visit due to its milder climate. The winter season from December to February sees temperatures that can go as low as -11C. February receives a large number of tourists looking to ski.