游览加利福尼亚的最佳时间是夏季,也就是6月到8月之间。这个季节最适合欣赏该州的自然奇观,比如沙斯塔山,平均气温80华氏度。游览加州海岸线和海滩的最佳时间是5月到10月之间,8月和9月是理想的。加州的春天气候较为温和,是当地人最推荐的季节。这个季节从3月持续到5月,夏季温度较低,约为71华氏度。这里的风景郁郁葱葱,是去纳帕和索诺玛谷的理想之旅。从9月到11月,秋天的天气条件与这些相同,也非常适合参观这些酒庄。这几个月的气温约为75华氏度,大多数游客在这段时间参观圣巴巴拉和洛杉矶等著名城市。游客数量明显较少,所以这也是参观州迪斯尼乐园的有利时间。这个金州全年都有很多旅游景点,根据你旅行的原因,在一年中不同的时间是理想的旅游目的地。 Its west coast location ensures that temperatures along the coastline mimic those of the Mediterranean and stay at an average of about 69F. Further inland, weather conditions are more acute with tropical summers that can touch the 86F mark and colder winters that produce temperatures that are slightly below freezing. The states size also adds to its wide variation in weather conditions with the northern part of the state receiving more rainfall and the coastline home to the states infamous summer fog. Although summer temperatures inland are higher, the state is cooler than the rest of the country, enjoying a temperate climate across the terrain.