南美的每个国家都能给你很多去旅游的理由。如果你想喝一杯美味的咖啡,去巴西旅行吧。这个国家还拥有世界上最大的海滩和20个联合国教科文组织世界遗产。在种族最多元化的国家之一委内瑞拉,享受海滩和山脉。阿根廷以葡萄酒、荒野和烤肉而闻名。秘鲁是马丘比丘古城的故乡,它是南美洲最受欢迎的旅游景点。哥伦比亚的珊瑚礁非常美丽。它也以艺术、国家公园和大教堂而闻名。智利有很多地方可以参观,包括世界上最大的游泳池阿塔卡马沙漠,以及人们可以滑雪的冒险山坡。它也是观星、泛舟和冲浪的理想场所。 In order to have a relaxing vacation in perfect weather, visit Ecuador. It has a vibrant nightlife and a unique cuisine. Those who like to travel rugged can visit the Cotopaxi volcano. Immerse yourself in the country's history or its fine wine as Bolivia will not leave you disappointed. It has some beautiful landcapes and some of the most pumping festivals.