中东国家包括巴林、塞浦路斯、埃及、伊朗、伊拉克、以色列、约旦、科威特、黎巴嫩、阿曼、巴勒斯坦、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚、土耳其、阿拉伯联合酋长国和也门。每个国家都有自己的风味和魅力。如果你想看历史为自己说话,那就去埃及,听听吉萨金字塔讲述的故事。在探索古代寺庙的同时,与历史联系在一起。以色列将给你一个机会,通过它宏伟的纪念碑来一次完全的宗教体验。在访问以色列时,有许多考古遗址值得探索。约旦对任何游客来说都是一种享受,因为它有很多可以提供的东西。它为古代建筑的美丽树立了一个美丽的榜样。你还将有机会在红海的珊瑚礁中潜水。对于所有的美食爱好者来说,约旦给了你吃得像国王一样的机会。阿曼集沙漠、山脉和海滩之美于一身。You can also visit some of its caves, or go scuba diving in its fresh waters. Saudi Arabia is popular for its coral reefs, diving sports, sand dunes, and historical sites.Turkey has some of the best bazaars and ski resorts. The United Arab Emirates doesn't forget to make an impression with its mordern architecture. It is home to the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa.It is one of the richest countries in the middle east and hence, provides the most luxurious experience. Yemen proudly flaunts its palaces and museums.