看点:有三样东西要看。i) Zangoora,一个现场舞台表演。这是一场值得一看的音乐表演。通常他们每天有一场演出。这场演出很精彩(了解更多)持续时间2小时。ii) Jhumroo,一部类似于Zangoora的音乐喜剧和iii) Culture gully-它在一个大厅里。像是有主题的购物中心。大厅是完全覆盖和空调。那里有许多餐馆和纪念品商店。它们都以印度不同邦的不同主题装饰。有木偶戏、舞蹈、音乐等。值得看一次。在KOD的校园里,有三个剧院。以上三个(zangoora, Jhumroo和Culture Gully)各一个。 Parking: They have a huge parking space within the campus and it is free. I found a lot of open parking spaces even on a Sunday. In the worst case, you have another huge open parking jus outside the entrance of KOD. Entry, tickets and other expenses: From May 2018, the revised ticket norms are as follows. There are two kinds of entry tickets. One for the show (Zangoora or Jhumroo) and the other for the culture gully. Minimum entry fee is Rs 600. It includes entry to the culture gully. In the culture gully you can redeem the entire Rs 600 for food. Cost of food is a bit exorbitant. A dosa costs Rs 165. Carry your own water bottle. Water is costly too. If you buy a ticket for a show (like zhangoora), you have complementary entry to the culture gully, but no complementary food. You have to buy everything you eat there. Even if you do not eat anything, culture gully is quite a nice place, where you can spend a few hours. Puppet shows etc are free and open to all. There are games for kids also-they are not free. Tickets for zangoora or jhumroo cost nearly Rs 1000 to 3000 per head. There are different types of tickets (bronze, silver, gold..), details of which are there in the KOD website. I found that silver and bronze seats are also fine. Ask for seats closer to the stage. The view from the seats even on the extreme sides are also great. However, view from the upper deck (balcony) is probably not that great. Tickets for shows are nearly Rs 500 costlier on weekends. There is also a musical fountain near KOD (not part of KOD). Include it in your itinerary. I strongly recommend Zangoora. Senior citizens and kids will also enjoy. Sound levels are a bit high inside the theatre and may not be good for kids below 2 years. For a weekend trip, you have to spend nearly Rs 2400 per head (show ticket Rs 2100 (silver), 1 dosa in culture gully- Rs 165 and a vada-pao during the show in the theater-Rs 80).
新德里四个卫星城之一的古鲁格拉姆是千禧一代的城市,摩天大楼快速增长,跨国公司不断增加,酒吧色彩缤纷,社交之夜层出不穷(了解更多)随着工业活动的发展和增长。古尔冈的名字来源于古鲁德鲁那查里亚的名字;因为这个村庄是他的学生作为gurudakshina(献给老师的礼物)送给他的;Pandavas,因此它被称为Guru-gram,随着时间的推移被扭曲为Gurgaon。因此,该地区自摩诃婆罗多时代就存在了。古尔冈被德里和拉贾斯坦邦包围。古尔冈也是印度哈里亚纳邦的第二大城市,也是哈里亚纳邦的工业和金融中心。由于过去15年里城市的快速商业化和发展,它的人均收入在印度排名第三,仅次于昌迪加尔和孟买。古尔冈吸引游客的主要原因是Sohna湖、Sultanpur鸟类保护区、Damdama湖和梦想王国。古尔冈的夜生活和购物场景非常活跃,这要归功于印度最大的购物中心“氛围购物中心”(Ambience Mall)。 Gurgaon is also famous for its pubs and breweries, its cafes and restaurants. However, Gurgaon has been in limelight for some wrong reasons as well citing safety issues, especially for women.