柬埔寨的旱季从11月开始一直持续到4月,平均降雨量为10毫米。从11月到1月,天气凉爽宜人。一月份是这个国家最忙的时候,因为天气最适合游客。像金边河畔和吴哥窟这样的旅游陷阱通常会吸引最多的人群。所以,如果你想避免交通拥挤,你可以在塔普而不是吴哥窟欣赏日落,去凯普海滩而不是西哈努克城。2月的天气和1月的天气相似。然而,到了三月份,天气开始变热了!此外,这个月可能是去小豆蔻山丛林旅行的最佳时间,因为徒步小径更容易到达,蚊子也不那么咄咄逼人。同样,在贡布河上度过一个慵懒的周末也是3月份的另一个不错的活动。驱车前往波哥山也可以让你远离城市的炎热。 In April, the temperature can rise to 104 degrees F. despite this weather condition; it is the month of celebrations for the locals gets busy with the Khmer New Year. It is even observed as a public holiday and Phnom Penh shuts down too! If you travel to the country during this season, you can enjoy several local festivals. Victory Day is celebrated on the 7th of January, and it marks the start of the fall of Khmer Rouge. Meak Bochea Day is celebrated at the end of January, and it is a famous Buddhist festival. The well-known Bon Om Touk or the Water Festival runs for three consecutive days at the end of November.
西南季风为柬埔寨的雨季铺平了道路,雨季从5月开始,一直持续到10月。7月、8月和9月是柬埔寨最潮湿的月份,平均降雨量为50毫米。5月的气温比4月稍微温和一些,而且多为公共假期。国际劳动节、皇家耕作仪式和阵亡将士纪念日在5月庆祝。在5月中旬,当地人会在国王Sihamoni的生日那天放三天假。为了避开人群,你可以前往偏远的蒙多基里地区。这个地方以大象而闻名,而且温度也低得多。6月,白天的湿度高达70%。从本月开始,江浦、西哈努克、豆蔻山等沿海地区将迎来暴雨。7月、8月和9月,雨下得正欢。 However, the rains only happen during the afternoon and not throughout the day so that you can plan your day trips accordingly. In October, the rain subsides a little and hence, an excellent time to travel to Cambodia. The Kulen Mountain waterfalls in Siem Reap and the waterfalls of Mondulkiri and Rattanakiri are great for swimming. Another well-celebrated holiday known as, Pchum Benh, falls in October which is a local event to honour the seven ancestors. October also celebrates the Commemoration Day of King Father Norodom.